Did you know?
Safe speeds save lives.
The risk of a pedestrian dying when hit by a car that is travelling at 50 km/hr is over 80%. At 30 km/hr, the risk of death is 5% (i).
This is because lower speeds reduce stopping distance (the driver reaction time and braking). A vehicle travelling at 30 km/hr needs 12 meters to stop. Driving at 50 km/hr, a vehicle needs 28 meters to stop.

In Winnipeg, between 2013 and 2017, 24 pedestrians were killed in a traffic collision and 76 were seriously injured (Manitoba Public Insurance).

“I want to raise my children in a community that puts people ahead of cars; a city that values the health and well-being of all of its residents. I want to know that the best interests of my kids are at the heart of how we plan our streets and neighborhoods.” Kim – Mom to Eddie (2) and Mabel (1)
Safe speeds promote healthy, thriving neighbourhoods.
Safe speeds promote physical activity by helping people feel more comfortable using active modes of transportation. Physical activity helps reduce cardiovascular disease, obesity, stroke, some cancers and diabetes and can enhance mental health.
With safe speeds, children are more likely to play outside and commute actively to school.
Older adults are more likely to use active modes of transportation in neighbourhoods with safe speeds.
Active neighbourhoods promote social interaction and strengthen community life.
Retail businesses thrive with more pedestria

“We need safe speeds throughout our neighbourhoods so that children have the option of using their own energy to get to school and around the community. Whether it be walking, biking, skating or whatever other creative means they come up with, our kids need safe options to be confidently and competently active.” – Sylvia Buchholz, Ilsa (9) and Bruno’s (5) Mom
Safe speeds is about our right to move safely.
Whether we drive a car, walk, cycle, propel a wheelchair, scooter, skateboard or bus, we all have the right to arrive at our destination safely. Where vulnerable road users and vehicles share road infrastructure, the safe speed is 30 km/hr.
Safe speeds are cheap and will save you money.
Implementing safe speeds is an inexpensive and immediate solution for pedestrian and cycling safety.
As well, safe speeds throughout entire neighbourhoods reduce the likelihood of drivers getting expensive speeding tickets from speed variation.
Safe speeds are everywhere.
It’s not just New York and London who have safe speeds! Vancouver, Edmonton, and Montreal are just a few Canadian cities adopting 30 km/hr zones. Find out what else is happening at VisionZero.ca.
[i] Rosen, E. & Sander, U. (2009). Pedestrian fatality risk as a function of car impact speed.
“Vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians or cyclists, should not be exposed to vehicles at speeds over 30 km/h. If separation is not possible, the speed should be reduced to 30 km/h.” - Vision Zero Canada